
(18th century to the end of 20th century): Marked by the Age of Enlightenment, the spread of democracy and industrialization, the world wars, the Cold War, and decolonization.

Emily Carr was a Canadian artist and writer inspired by the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast.

Theoretical physicist known for the theory of relativity and iconic E=mc² equation, transforming modern physics.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A seminal Austrian composer of the classical era, famed for enduring masterpieces such as Symphony No. 40 and The Magic Flute.

Napoleon Bonaparte: A transformative French leader, rising from the French Revolution, known for his military prowess and reign during the Napoleonic Wars.

Discover Nikola Tesla: an inventor ahead of his time, shaping the future with innovations in electricity, AC power systems, and wireless communication.

Explore Charles Darwin's legacy: the influential naturalist who redefined biology with his revolutionary theory of evolution by natural selection.

Uncover the life of Ludwig van Beethoven, a virtuoso pianist and composer who, despite personal hardships, transformed the fabric of classical music.

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